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24 & 25 Trinity Street

History of 24 & 25 Trinity Street

David Matthew arrived from London in 1829 as an apprentice to Mr Beechino. In London the family business was Bristle and Brush Manufacturer. In 1832 he bought a partnership in Browne & Gent and Matthew & Gent opened at 25 Trinity Street with David as senior partner.

David Matthew b 1767 d 1832 married Susannah Simmons. They had 8 children including David b 1809 d 1880 who married Elizabeth Rowton, and John Matthew b 1811 d 1889 who married Mary Ann Atkins in 1844.

1833 John Matthew, David’s younger brother, joins him from London.

1849 David returns to London while John takes his place as partner with John Gent.

1858 Firm moved to 20-21 Trinity Street when nos 24 & 25 were demolished for the building of Whewell’s Court.


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