1959 Royal Commission on Historical Monuments Survey of Cambridge: Nos. 10 and 11, and No. 16 Round Church Street, and stand on the corner NW of the church of the Holy Sepulchre. No. 11 is of one build with No. 12 but now united internally with No.1o, which itself is one build with No. 16 Round Church Street. The last two were built in the 17th cent.; the walls are of plastered timber-framing. … On the first floor of No.10 mucho pf the main room is lined with 17th cent. panelling … loose in the attic is a 16th cent. bargeboard carved with leaf and vine ornaments.
(11) Sarah Rutherford, 58, lodging house keeper, b Cambridge
(10 & 11)
J H Priest, stationer and artist’s colourman
(10-11) Central Garage, motor engineers
(10-15) P H Allin & Sons, motor engineers
1993-current Toni & Guy Hairdressers
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