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159 (54) Water Street (Waterside)

History of 159 Water Street

The two cottages, originally 54 and 55 Water Street, were built at the instigation of Harry Brown, publican of the Pike and Eel in 1891.

In 1890 there is a document representing an agreement between Harry Brown, publican Pike and Eel, and Mrs Emily Hicks, builder of 47 City Road, Cambridge. Emily Hicks agrees to build two cottages on ground opposite the Pike and Eel according to plans prepared by J H Porter, architect, Cambridge, for the sum of £220.

1890 agreement between Emily Hicks and Henry Brown for two cottages opposite Pike and Eel

1890 agreement between Emily Hicks and Henry Brown for two cottages opposite Pike and Eel

In 1897 Harry Brown commissioned from the same builder a further two cottages. However the agreement leaves out reference to precise location on Fen Road.

1901 (54)

Alfred Brown, 24, general labourer, b Cambridge

Alice Brown, 24, b Cambridge

Mabel, 1, b Chesterton

1913 (54)

Alfred H Brown

Letter to U Brown re mother’s estate, 54 Water Street, 1915


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