Capturing Cambridge
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Tour 5 – Bridge Street area

Self GuidedTour of park Terrace and King Street Street area of Cambridge


For the information on this particular tour, we are indebted to the work of T E Faber whose extraordinary study of the history of St Clement’s parish was posthumously published privately in 2006:

An Intimate History of the Parish of St Clement in Cambridge, 1250-1950

The list below of links to the Capturing Cambridge website is a selection of the more interesting entries en route. Information about most of the buildings, and their historical occupants,  that you will pass on this tour, and many that have vanished, can be accessed on the web site.

As with our other tours, suggestions of corrections and additions are most welcome and should be offered via the email address on the website.


Start at the Museum of Cambridge on Castle Street

1.100 Castle Street, White Horse Inn, Museum of Cambridge

Cross over to Magdalene Street and proceed along east side

2.Magdalene Street

Cambridge Core and Flower Trail

3.7 Magdalene Street (site of)

4.Great Bridge

5.Quayside – for a detailed description of the buildings Quayside as it was before the demolitions of the 20th century – visit these sites, otherwise move on to Bridge Street:

6.2 Quayside, The Cock and Pie

3 Quayside, The Jolly Waterman

7.4 Quayside, Union Tavern

8.Sedge Hall, The Ship

9.Half Moon Inn

10.31 Bridge Street, Anchor Inn

11.30 Bridge Street, The Peacock

12.29 Bridge Street, The Crow

13.28 Bridge Street, The Greyhound

14.27 Bridge Street, The Griffin

15.25-26 Bridge Street, The Barley Mow

16.24 Bridge Street, The Black Swan

17.23 Bridge Street

18.21-22 Bridge Street / Copyn Hall, 36 Thompson’s Lane

Turn Left into Thompson’s Lane

19.The Old Vicarage, Thompson’s Lane

20.34 Thompson’s Lane, in 1913 home of bookseller Gustav David

21.3 Thompson’s Lane, The Nine Pins (site of)

22.Thompson’s Lane synagogue / historical site

23.31 Thompson’s Lane, Clerk’s House and home of the Cambridge Tapestry Company

24.30 Thompson’s Lane, Malpas Lodge

25.29 Thompson’s Lane

26,28 Thompson’s Lane, Varsity Hotel

Turn left to  continue on Thompson’s Lane

27.Thompson’s Lane & Richmond Terrace

28.Sedge Yard Estate

29.The George / La Mimosa

30.Jesus Green

Turn right onto Park Parade

Turn right onto Portugal Street

31.21-27 Portugal Street, University Racquet and Fives Courts (site of)

32.8 Portugal Street, home of William Hackleton, town missionary

Take a short detour to the left on Portugal Place

33.19-20 Portugal Place, home of Francis Crick, Nobel prize winner

34.The Maypole, publican in 1901 Charles Rowell

Return to main section of Portugal Place

35.18 Portugal Place

36.10 Portugal Place, home of Prof. Meyer Fortes

37.9 Portugal Place, the Cambridge Valet

38.8 Portugal Place

39.7 Portugal Place, Parish School

40.St Clement’s Church

41.20 Bridge Street, The Salutation

Turn right and then cross the road onto the west side of Bridge Street

42.51 Bridge Street, Saracen’s Head (site of)

43.46/47 Bridge Street, The White Swan (site of)

44.45 Bridge Street, le Cage (site of)

45.43 Bridge Street, The (Black) White Bull (site of)

46.39 Bridge Street, The Griffin (site of)

47.38 Bridge Street, The Red Lion (site of)

48.37 Bridge Street

49.36 Bridge Street, The Tabbard / The Marquis of Granby

50.35 Bridge Street

51.34 Bridge Street

52.33 Bridge Street, The Fox and Goose

Continue on along west side of Magdalene Street

53.31 Magdalene Street, Bullen’s boatyard

54.30 Magdalene Street, Pickerel Inn

55.23 Magdalene Street

56.15 Magdalene Street

57.13 Magdalene Street

Arrive back at the Museum of Cambridge















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